A book to encourage a pregnant mama’s heart
I’m so thrilled to be sharing a book review for a very special book written by one of my close friends, Heather. It’s been so faith-building to witness God’s faithfulness in bringing this book from an idea all the way through to the publishing process. He will accomplish His purposes in our lives, friends.

Heather’s book, Expectant, focuses on cultivating a vision for Christ-centered pregnancy. Can I tell you how rare of a book this is? As a birth doula and past midwifery student, I’ve read quite the stack of pregnancy and birth-related books. And while I’d recommend many of them as great practical resources as you walk through pregnancy and prepare for the birth of your baby, there are very few I could point you to that contain foundational biblical truth geared specifically for the expectant mama’s heart.
This is why I’m so excited about Heather’s book! You’ll find plenty of practical ideas to implement in the everyday joys and challenges of pregnancy. But even better, you’ll encounter rich spiritual truth that brings you back to seeking Jesus and prioritizing Him throughout your pregnancy. Heather covers the following topics and more:
- pregnancy and marriage
- pregnancy and family
- pregnancy and fear
- pregnancy and health
- pregnancy and lifestyle

One of my favorite aspects of this book are the short pieces at the end of each chapter written by other moms of various ages and family sizes. I was so blessed by their godly perspective. There are also two bonus chapters written by moms who have experienced pregnancy loss and infertility. Even though I read this book in digital form earlier this year in the throes of morning sickness, it’s been an incredible refreshment to my heart to revisit it (in print!!!) in the last six weeks or so before we welcome our third little one.
Even if you’re not currently pregnant, there’s no better time to begin learning to walk in God’s wisdom while expecting. Finally, as a friend of Heather’s, I’ve seen her walk in God’s grace throughout her pregnancies, so I know you’ll find her book to be a life-giving tool during your own seasons of expectancy.
Q&A with Heather (the famous authoress)
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family.
I’ve been married to a wonderful man named Judah for almost 9 years (fun fact: we met in Mongolia when we were 12). We have four kiddos – Jude (7), Jenesis (5), Jeneva (3), and Javan (almost 2). We live in Windsor, Colorado, and have a heart for hospitality and love fellowship and laughter with friends.

What motivated you to write a book specifically on Christ-centered pregnancy?
When I was pregnant with my first, I started to notice just how many unbiblical messages
were swirling around in regards to pregnancy, and just how few resources there were that
pointed women back to Jesus during this special and vulnerable season. The more I talked
with other women, the more I realized just how needed Christ-centered encouragement is
during pregnancy. So after a nudge from my husband, Expectant started to take shape.
How has the Lord used motherhood to strengthen and refine you?
Oh my, how has the Lord not used it to strengthen and refine me!? There hasn’t been any
other sphere of life that has caused me to realize my dependence upon God and my own
inability to carry out what I am called to. It has shown me the beauty of selflessness, and just
how sufficient God’s grace is. It’s shown me how good repentance is, and that it’s in my
weakness that God’s strength shines most brightly.

When you are feeling weary or discouraged as mom, what are some Scriptural truths or
passages you meditate on?
There are a couple of passages that continually minister to me as I mother my children. One
is 2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in
weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of
Christ may rest upon me.
This passage is a reminder that it’s when I realize just how weak I am that that is the perfect
opportunity for God to come in and display His perfect strength. So rather than bemoan my
weakness, motherhood is helping me learn to rejoice in the fact that God can use it for His
Another is Isaiah 26:3-4
You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever,
for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.
I have a tendency to become easily afraid or anxious, and the continual buzz of motherhood
is a recipe for disaster when I give into that fear or anxiety. But this truth reminds me that
when my mind is stayed on the Lord, perfect peace can reign in my mind and heart, no
matter what is happening around me. And, as the mother, I have the ability to set this kind of example for my children.
How in the world did you find time to write a book with four young kiddos?
I would be lying if I said it was a quick and easy process. This book took almost six years
from the first words until it was launched into the world. I don’t have lots of spare time, but I
sensed God asking me to be faithful with the time I did have, and He helped me follow
through. In my own strength I certainly would have dropped the ball many-a-time. But He
carried me and gave insight and wisdom each step of the way. He gave wisdom for when it
was time to write, and when it was just time to learn and wait. I never would have guessed it
would take as long as it did, but God’s timing is perfect.

What are some things that “fill your cup” so to speak – things that refresh you in body,
mind, or spirit to continue serving your family?
Finding quiet time during the day (usually with a hot drink in hand) refreshes me. It’s hard to quiet my mind when there are lots of things to get done, but I never regret those minutes I put the tasks aside and slip away for a few minutes to reflect on God’s goodness (and if the
weather is nice, I love doing this outside).
Playing piano and singing is another thing that encourages me. It’s an outlet for worship, and I love filling our home with songs of praise. Often my kiddos join in the singing, too.
And, I try to be very intentional about finding ways to infuse my mind with truth. My favorite
ways of doing this are through reading and listening to podcasts. These resources
encourage me greatly and remind me I am not alone as I seek to honor Jesus in the
everyday moments of life.
A book you’ve enjoyed recently and would recommend?
Oh my, I’ve read several amazing books recently that are must-reads, but one that will go
down as maybe one of my favorite books of all time is Adorning the Dark by Andrew
Peterson. He shares what God has taught him about using creativity for God’s glory, and he
writes in a down-to-earth-yet-beautiful way. I could hardly put it down.
Favorite beverage to sip while writing?
My favorite drink is a plain latte. But in the evening, you’ll usually find me with a cup of hot
PG Tips tea with milk and coconut sugar, which is a close second.
You can order your copy of Expectant on Amazon and on Heather’s blog!

Heather Cofer is a wife and mother of four with a passion for encouraging others to love Jesus with all their hearts. She is a regular contributor for the ministry of Set Apart Girl, as well as a guest writer for several other ministries. She and her husband both grew up overseas on the mission field, and are actively involved in their local church. Heather and her family currently live in Northern Colorado. You can follow along on Heather’s journey through her website, heathercofer.com.
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This is so cool! I might buy that book. Thanks!